We are passionate about helping small businesses to develop efficient social media marketing solutions. We have developed a social media marketing strategy for small businesses and startups in the B2B industry. The strategy is based on the principle of balancing social media efforts across each platform and focusing on a target market. We help small businesses to build brand credibility, promote awareness, establish relationships, provide value and promote consistency.
We are based out of the Philadelphia area. Andrew C. Belton, our founder, developed the strategy in late 2015 and has worked with a number of business owners through strategy development, consultations and implementation. After sharing the strategy and receiving very positive feedback, Belton decided to develop a social media marketing guide and launch the company to help small businesses to implement this new strategy. We understand that social media marketing can be confusing and stressful to small business owners and we are here to help!

We offer Paperless Billing, Contracts and Receipts!

- Owner, Social Media Marketing Strategist, Business Writer
- Content Management Specialist at ABM Industries
- Former Marketing and RFP Associate at Brandywine Global Investment Management
-Former Executive Retirement Specialist at Vanguard
-Liberal Studies A.A. at Montgomery County Community College 16'
-Management A.A.S. at Montgomery County Community College 18'
-Business Administration B.S. at Delaware Valley University 18'
-MBA Graduate at West Chester University 21'
View his Personal Website - Click Here
View his Experience Portfolio - Click Here
- B2B & B2C Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Business Writing
- Business Planning & Strategy
- Hubspot Inbound Marketing Certification
- Hootsuite Social Media Certification
- Hootsuite Advanced Social Advertising Certification
- Hootsuite Foundations of Social Advocacy Certification
- Hootsuite Enterprise Certification
- Hootsuite Platform Certification
- Hootsuite Social Selling Certification
- Sprout Social Platform Certification